It was also a cool birthday because it was also the premier of GLEE season 2! By 4pm all of us here in the office stopped everything and turned our attentions to our TV sets. It was just so cool to watch Charice on international TV! And my God the abs of Harry Shum, Jr.! EYE POPPING!!
Anyway, after a day at work it was time to spend some quality time with the mother. I really wanted to eat at Eat Well, via ToT's suggestion and try that yummy looking noodle soup. But since I got a bit lazy to drive all the way to The Fort so we ended up at T.G.I.Friday's at Glorietta 3 instead.
Friday's isn't a stranger to us, it's usually a go to place when we're super hungry and a super size meal is needed to satisfy our growling tummies! The dark interiors make it a really sorta intimate place, but it's kinda weird because it's supposed to be some HAPPY drinking place. But it was cool since I was with my Mom and she's not into the loud tunes. But the bar in the smoking area made me miss Trency, Amanda and Bugsy's.

It was just a simple happy birthday meal. I had Fish and Chips which were really good. Tender, crispy, and not too oily! Just right for the birthday girl, and Mom liked the softness of it too. The oily thing with this was the fries were a bit disappointing. They were too pepper-y for my taste, and I ended up making pagpag the fries at the side of the plate just to rid it off the pepper. If it weren't for the overdose of pepper on those fries it would've been perfect with the ketchup! :)
And it's just really weird how they serve fish and chips now. Is it just me or have the cooking gurus really have changed the presentation of this dish? I haven't gotten to write about it, but I recently had fish and chips over at Grams, and it was also cut up into small pieces! Unlike before it was one huge slab of fish, and you cut it up yourself. Can someone please tell me if this goes for all restos like Fish & Co. or at Momo Cafe?

As for Mom, not much of a fan of American food, she stuck to the Filipino Liempo. I had this dish before and it was just sooo good! I'm just about to blog about this, because I just had liempo when we went to Puerto Galera on my birthday weekend. And it's just beyond compare! I've never had liempo as tasty, as juicy and as tender as this one in Friday's! And what's cool is that they're very consistent, and consistency is key to bringing customers back! Kudos for this one Friday's good job! :D

But the total kicker for this night are the Mojitos I had! I'm more of a beer drinker and Mojitos are usually a pass or fail thing for me. A friend of mine had Mojitos before and I didn't like it because the bartender seemed to be a bit concerned about us. The Mojitos ended up tasting a bit watery and bland.
I was only supposed to have one order of the Classic Mojitos, but ended up with 2! Yes, it was that good and I was THAT thirsty for alcohol. What? It's my birthday?! Mom even encouraged me to get the 2nd one, thanks to our server who asked if I wanted another one! Being 25 ain't so bad ey!? And I also experimented on my 2nd order, I squeezed the lemons into the drink and turned out to be really good. It was like alcohol with a twang. Friday's Classic Mojitos is just to die for! Totally recommended for the alcoholics out this blogger! :)

It was a great way to celebrate my 25th birthday! I just wanted to thank everyone who greeted me and made me feel like the most popular kid in town! I had wished for several things yesterday while at Mass, and I do hope that some of them come true. I know it takes more than praying and wishing for it, because it also needs work and some personal changes. I am still set on going off by myself sometime soon, and I hope I do get to do it.
So here's to 25 wonderful years! I really sincerely hope that 25 opens up a lot more for me. And thank you to Friday's for giving me a hearty birthday dinner! :D
T.G.I.Friday's Glorietta
3rd floor, Glorietta 3, Ayala Center Makati City
Contact No - 7527685 | Fax No - 8928910
Website: http//
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